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Grow your business on LinkedIn

Would you like to grow your business through social media for free? Here are some tips to get you started.
LinkedIn has a global reach of 500m users across all industries and sectors and is basically a business network tool that replicates the process of word of mouth between trusted contacts. It’s a bit like Facebook but for professional use.
LinkedIn is currently an untapped resource that can ‘turbo boost’ business development and ultimately increases profit and what’s more it is an unpaid advertising tool. Most Instagram, Twitter and Facebook users don’t understand it, most advertisers don’t even know its full potential. The good news is – it’s an emerging channel and you have an opportunity to get in 1st before everyone catches on. Facebook and Instagram used to share content for free now it’s impossible to achieve this without opening a business page and paying for adverts.

If you have a product or service of value that you believe in and are willing to put in the effort and dedication to make it work for you and your business then here is how to get started:

Create an account for you and your business

The first thing you need to understand about LinkedIn is that it’s not a CV unless you are looking for a job, no one cares what you do or what your hobbies are unless of course, it’s of value to them. It should be about the target market you are trying to attract and it’s not a spamming tool. It’s about creating pre-qualified hot leads by producing valuable content offering something of benefit to your reader.

Build Connections

Search your own connections, use recommended connections and browse your contacts connections. If you are in regular contact with a connection or you have produced outstanding work, results or products for them, you can ask for a written testimonial on your profile. These recommendations are vital to establishing credibility and trust.
Encourage and invite customers, partners and influencers to follow your page by posting interesting articles, updates and comments. For instance, you can add your latest company blog posts or publish links to provide discussion.
Promote your page on all marketing communications and add the follow button to your website and take part in relevant LinkedIn groups.
Engage your employees or business partners, encourage them to create and update their profile. They are your advocates so ensure they have your link on their email signature. Involve them and take them on your social media journey.

Grow Brand Perception

Become credible as an innovator and leader within your market. Pick a specialism and own it, understand clearly who you are, what you offer and stay focused on that. Change your title underneath your name to who you are trying to serve. Make it clear what you can do for them, be concise and to the point. If you are selling a product or service be confident and bold about how it can add value. Become a trusted market leader and recognised expert within your market and your business will grow organically, prospects will come to you for your expertise and more.

If you set up your LinkedIn account up correctly you will have an amazing free business marketing tool that can help grow turnover. Now you understand it’s potential you can start your journey to driving business success.


View Barley House Agency on LinkedIn here.

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